Founded in 1991 | A division of the American Counseling Association

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ed with ACCA!

ACCA is currently looking for enthusiastic ACCA members to help move the organization forward! If you are interested in becoming more involved with ACCA, check out the committees below that are looking for volunteers! Simply email the committee Chair to express your interest.

Membership Committee

The purpose of the membership committee is to encourage membership renewals, and utilize marketing and recruitment efforts to promote new memberships.

Chair: Lee Bard

Board Liaison: Lee Bard

Awards Committee

The purpose of the ACCA Awards Committee is to recognize individuals who support and enhance the practice of college counseling.

Chair: Rebecca Smith

By-Laws Committee

The purpose of the ACCA Bylaws Committee is to review and update the bylaws in accordance with ACCA Executive Council decisions, as well as, respond to the ACCA membership requests for changes in the bylaws.

Chair: Lee Bard

Board Liaison: Lee Bard

Professional Development Committee

The purpose of the Professional Development Committee is to contribute to member’s professional knowledge and proficiency through the development and regulation of ACCA sponsored continuing education. An additional goal of the committee is to assist with growing the ACCA membership by coordinating professional development opportunities for college counselors.

Chair: Chris Corbett

Board Liaison: Lee Bard

Graduate Students and 
New Professionals Committee

The purpose of the ACCA Graduate Student Committee (GSC) is to provide a voice for the needs and concerns of graduate students (and new professionals) within ACCA.

Chair: Vacant

Board Liaison: Amy Broadwater

Social Media

The purpose of social media is to facilitate the exchange of information among members, and to provide information relevant to college counseling and to the counseling profession.

Chair: Kristin Wills

Board Liaison: Scott Sokoloski

Action & Inclusion Committee 

The purpose of this committee is to encourage training and advocacy efforts related to diversity/inclusivity/multicultural issues in the college counseling setting.

Co-Chair: Kelly McConkey

Co-Chair: Amy Broadwater

Board Liaison: Amy Broadwater

Community College Committee

The Community College Counseling Committee continues to be a strong advocacy group for community/two year colleges. This group administers an annual survey to collect important data about the services provided by community and two year colleges.

Chair: Amy Siler

Board Liaison: Amy Broadwater

Professional Advocacy and Public Awareness (PAPA) Committee

The Public Awareness and Professional Advocacy Committee will seek to heighten the visibility, viability, and functioning of counselors within higher education. The Committee will serve as the driving force and resource of ACA and ACCA for promoting the awareness of counselors in institutions of higher education.

Chair: Joshua Watson

Board Liaison: Scott Sokoloski

Research Committee

The Research Committee administers the annual research grant awards process. Other projects for the Research Committee will vary with the needs and interests of the President and the Executive Council.

Chair: Oren Shefet

Board Liaison: Amy Broadwater

Conference Committee

This committee is involved in planning the upcoming ACCA conference.  ACCA members who are local to the area where the conference is being held (2017 Tampa, Florida) are highly encouraged to participate on this committee.

Chair: Wayne Strother

Strategic Planning Committee

This committee is involved in strategic planning efforts for the Association. Committee members include the Executive Council and ACCA members from a variety of geographic regions and college settings (public/private, 4y/community colleges, etc). 

Chair: Richard Tyler-Walker

Supervision/Clinical Training Committee

The purpose of this committee is to address clinical training/supervision issues specifically as it relates to counselors at the Master’s level. 

Chair:  Stephanie Maccombs-Hunter

Board Liaison: Becca Smith

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Upcoming Events

ACCA Annual Conference
New Orleans, LA
January 29 - February 2, 2025


View the press release on HEMHA's new guide to Animals on Campus

Click here to access the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Resources

ACCA joins the 4th edition of Health and Well being in Higher Education: A Commitment to Student Success

Please note the addition of the College Counseling & Psychological Services Knowledge Base to the resources page.

ACCA Members in the News

Becca Smith is quoted in the Washington Post article "College mental health centers are swamped. Here's what parents can do."

Andrew Lee is quoted in the Inside Higher Ed article on Suicidal Ideation

Steffanie Grrossman is quoted in Online Counseling article College Students Diet and Mental Health

Janelle Johnson comments on the state of mental services at community colleges.

Janelle Johnson on College Counseling” Interview. Follow the link to read the full interview.

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